Cookie Policy


“Cookies” are small pieces of information sent by a web server to a web browser, which enables the server to collect information from the browser. You can find out more about the way cookies work on H&H Free From ltd uses cookies for a number of purposes, for instance to enable us to simplify the logging on process for registered users, to help ensure the security and authenticity of registered users, to provide the mechanisms for online shopping and to enable traffic monitoring.

Whilst you do not need to allow your browser to accept cookies in order to browse much of our website or to access many of our services, you must have cookies enabled if you wish to shop online.

Most browsers allow you to turn off the cookie function. If you want to know how to do this please look at the help menu on your browser.

We use a feature of your internet browser called a ‘cookie’ to provide you with the best user experience and to enable this site to work. We do not use ‘cookies’ to retrieve personal information about you from your computer, we only gain such information if you have knowingly and willingly provided it to us.

Our Assurance

We value our customers and understand the importance of data handling. We consider the data we do capture to be vital to our business, so that we can provide our customers with a high-quality service at fair prices. We do not, nor will we ever, sell, rent or loan data to any 3rd party that identifies you without your consent.